To Stay Young, Protect Your Immune System !
Par Rémy LOUIS, auteur de « Jeunesse illimitée… »
The last few days, I came across a book, fascinating for people who
are interested in the natural ways to fight what is know as “the effect
of age”. The author, Mark Liponis, is an american doctor. The name of
his book in itself, represents a whole programme : « Ultra-longevity » !
As every scientist, doctor Liponis based his book upon solid scientific
evidences and upon his practise of medicine during more than two
decades to support his affirmations.
According to him, our organs decline more with the hyperactivity of our immune system than with the accumulation of years. Old age would then be an auto-immune disease, generated by the hyperactivity of our own immune system… and not only the inexorable consequence of the stack of years ! Consequently, immune system of humans is wonderfully sophisticated. Over the centuries, progress in hygiene and the advent of antibiotics for example, allowed in the developped countries the almost extinction of the deaths caused by infectious diseases. Progress in Science should allow us to live our old age absolutely healthy. But it is not the case as beyond 80, many people are still alive but too rarely valid. The cohort of degenerative diseases invaded our bodies : cancer, cardio-vascular diseases, different forms of rheumatism, cerebral-vascular accidents, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, etc.
Hope comes from some counter-examples, and Marc Liponis even quotes the case of the french woman Jeanne Calment, who with her 122 years old holds the record for longevity known for a human being. This woman stayed lucid and outstandingly active until her last days. She began fencing at 85. She went by bike at 100. And I remember very well a television report some months before her death, in which she participated in the creation of a musical CD !
Mak Liponis’observation is that people who seem to stay young until advanced old age have in common a perfectly healthy immune system !
What furthers the good working of our immune system ? We will talk about it in the coming articles !
According to him, our organs decline more with the hyperactivity of our immune system than with the accumulation of years. Old age would then be an auto-immune disease, generated by the hyperactivity of our own immune system… and not only the inexorable consequence of the stack of years ! Consequently, immune system of humans is wonderfully sophisticated. Over the centuries, progress in hygiene and the advent of antibiotics for example, allowed in the developped countries the almost extinction of the deaths caused by infectious diseases. Progress in Science should allow us to live our old age absolutely healthy. But it is not the case as beyond 80, many people are still alive but too rarely valid. The cohort of degenerative diseases invaded our bodies : cancer, cardio-vascular diseases, different forms of rheumatism, cerebral-vascular accidents, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, etc.
Hope comes from some counter-examples, and Marc Liponis even quotes the case of the french woman Jeanne Calment, who with her 122 years old holds the record for longevity known for a human being. This woman stayed lucid and outstandingly active until her last days. She began fencing at 85. She went by bike at 100. And I remember very well a television report some months before her death, in which she participated in the creation of a musical CD !
Mak Liponis’observation is that people who seem to stay young until advanced old age have in common a perfectly healthy immune system !
What furthers the good working of our immune system ? We will talk about it in the coming articles !
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